Education and Training


From the Strategy:
Deeper and broader understanding, whether it comes through formal education or quality workplace training, is vital in changing a culture where workplace injury has been accepted as part of the job. In the new safety culture, injuries are preventable and unacceptable.

Progress Highlights

  • 2016 stakeholder engagement identified concerns for safety training, not just minimum mandatory. Additional concerns included quality assurance of training and mutual recognition for working in other provinces
  • OHS Education and Outreach Section established in Safety Branch of the Department at LSI 
  • Completed workplace safety materials inventory
  • Designed risk assessment tool for use by community-based and post-secondary adult education programs
  • Developed curriculum support tools, safety quiz and certificate, and more to support classroom learning
  • Increased safety content in many educational programs in colleges and high schools
  • Health, safety and risk management webinars and videos created for school boards and teachers, administered by School Insurance Program
  • Plain language document developed for OHS Act amendments with commitment for similar documents for any future regulation change 
  • Regulation change for Private Career Colleges has improved requirements for OHS training of participants in private career colleges
  • Workplace safety content created for 
  • New safety planning learning content for employers 
  • Sponsorship of annual eye safety workshops for NSCC students, faculty and local small businesses delivered by CNIB


Leadership | Safety Culture | Education and Training | Small and Medium Enterprises | Inspection and Enforcement | Performance Management and Measurement