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How can you make your workplace psychologically healthy and safe?
What are the benefits to both you and your employees for doing so?
A workplace that is psychologically healthy and safe will respect and listen to workers, act on their concerns, and provide opportunities for workers to have some control over their work. This often results in fewer work-related injuries and illnesses, less time off work when injuries and illnesses do occur, less absenteeism, and more productive and engaged workers.
For decades now, employers have understood the need and the requirement to protect workers’ physical safety in the workplace. Now, thanks to emerging evidence and research, psychological safety is proving to be equally important.
WCB was proud to present a free webinar on May 5, 2022, on this important topic hosted by WCB Workplace Consultant Marc DesRoches. The event was part of our awareness series for national Safety and Health Week (May 1-7) and the Canadian Mental Health Association’s Mental Health Week (May 2 to 8).
Marc discussed the 13 psychosocial factors of a psychologically healthy and safe workplace and the actions employers can take to implement them, including:
Psychologically Healthy Workplaces page - find helpful tools and resources including a Q&A, video, and related stats.
FirstRespondersMentalHealthNS.com - connects first responders with resources and programs including self-assessments, online counselling, mobile apps, training materials, and management toolkits.
WorkSafe Saskatchewan Psychological Health & Safety Resource Centre - WorkSafe Saskatchewan, in partnership with Dr. Joti Samra, R.Psych. and MyWorkplaceHealth, has created a resource centre to support you in navigating through the key principles and best practices associated with psychological health and safety.
13 Factors: Addressing Mental Health in the Workplace - a series of short animated videos that aim to raise awareness around the 13 factors that can impact the mental health of employees in the workplace and encourage conversations on methods for promoting psychologically safe places to work.
Canadian Mental Health Association’s wellness resource hub – find workplace mental health supports.
Nova Scotia Mental health and wellbeing - support for mental health, addictions and wellbeing is available for children, youth and adults.
Healthy Minds@Work, a hub of tools and resources to support workplace parties in their efforts to address psychological health and safety in the workplace.
The Mental Health Commission of Canada’s National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace (the Standard).
Mental Health First Aid - developed by the Mental Health Commission of Canada, aims to improve mental health literacy and provide the skills and knowledge to help people better manage potential or developing mental health problems in themselves, a family member, a friend or a colleague.