Safety level

Safety Matters


Our blog discussing workplace safety opportunities in Nova Scotia and around the world.

First WCB Annual Report describes worker impact of Halifax explosion
A blog on the 100th anniversary of the Halifax explosion

A Life in Three Parts
Wally Power reflects on the injury that changed his life

Empowering employees to create and innovate at Ocean View
Staff at Ocean View create new foam wedge to better care for residents

Global Ergonomics Month
A piece on Global Ergonomics Month by WCB's ergonomist

Seaview Manor uses PACE to inspire new safety practices
It takes a team to catch on to new safety procedures and make them stick. But at Seaview Manor, a long-term care facility in Glace Bay, it wasn’t just about the catch – they took the ball and ran with it.

WCB Nova Scotia and Department of Labour and Advanced Education Co-Host the WSIS AGM
On June 19, representatives from the Workers’ Compensation Board, Workers’ Advisers Program, Workers’ Compensation Appeals Tribunal, and the Department of Labour and Advanced Education took part in the Workplace Safety and Insurance System Annual Meeting.

Talking Ticks: Learn the steps to prevent Lyme disease this summer!
Ticks are a risk throughout most of the year, feeding whenever temperatures rise above 4 degrees Celsius. In the summer, however, larvae and nymphs become more active. This, coupled with heavier foliage in wooded areas and spending more time outdoors, mean humans are at an increased risk for contracting Lyme disease.

Putting all paws on deck for dog bite prevention
When it comes to potential risks in the workplace, dogs aren’t often the first hazard to come to mind. Yet, many jobs require that workers know how to safely deal with animals, both wild and domestic.

Day of Mourning honours workers who died, were injured or became ill on the job
On April 28, we remember those who have died, were injured or became ill at work. The Day of Mourning offers employees and employers a chance to publicly renew their commitment to improve health and safety in the workplace.

Fishing safety campaign uses children’s artwork to drive the message home
The message of "who do you wear your PFD for" taken to fishing communities from Eastern Passage to Digby and all points in between along the province’s southwest coastline

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