Safety level

Safety Matters


Our blog discussing workplace safety opportunities in Nova Scotia and around the world.

Sprains and Strains Most Common Workplace Injury in NS
Sprains and strains are the most common type of injury experienced by workers in Nova Scotia.

Working to Recovery
The best workplace injury is one that never happens in the first place, but when people are hurt on the job, it takes a team of people to help them recover.

2016 Mainstay Award Winners Announced
Nova Scotia’s Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal has won the Mainstay Safety Award of Excellence - Organization, the province’s highest workplace safety honour.

Leading a Safety Culture
Leadership is a crucial element for setting the tone in any organization.

Recognizing Everyone’s Role in Workplace Safety this NAOSH Week
What do Pratt & Whitney, CKF Inc., Acadian Seaplants, Edmonds Landscape and Construction Services Limited have in common?

Slips and Trips Can be Prevented
by guest blogger Jonathan Tyson, MASc, CPE - Relationship Manager, WCB Nova Scotia Work-related slips, trips and falls are an all too frequent cause of injuries to workers in Nova Scotia.

30 NS CEOs sign groundbreaking health & safety charter
On October 8th, 30 top executives from across Nova Scotia committed to do all they can to make Nova Scotia the safest place to work and live in Canada.

Fire Safety Week a reminder to hear the beep where you sleep
October 4-10 is Fire Prevention Week - a perfect time to check smoke alarms as well as create and practice home fire-escape plans.

Steps for Safety – Preventing Workplace Violence
The following blog post is from Louise Barker, a Health & Social Services Workplace Consultant, on the violence prevention efforts at Digby's Tideview Terrace

May justice come from tragedy
I will never forget waking up on May 9th, 1992 to news that 26 miners were trapped underground following a massive explosion at the Westray mine.

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