
Safety level

Fishing is a vital part of our community, and work on the water comes with a different level of risk than in many sectors. Remaining vigilant about safety is a priority.

When we make safety a priority for crews, we're also looking out for the kids, spouses, and family members who love them.

Learn more on this page about safety in fishing and fish processing, and join the conversation.

Plan for a safe fishing season.

Use these resources from Fish Safe Nova Scotia to get ready for dumping day and check out these resources to show your commitment to safety and encourage others to follow safety guidelines before leaving the shore. 

Fishing Safety Decals

Show your commitment to PFD safety by ordering one of these decals. 

Order and display this water-resistant decal prominently on your boat to keep your crew safe this fishing season.

Order and display this weather-resistant decal somewhere captains and crews in your community will see it, to help them come home safe this fishing season.

Partners in Fishing Safety:

Stories of tragedy:

Other resources:

Most Common Hazards

The following workplace hazards are common in the fishing and fish processing industry:

  • Slips, trips and falls
  • Entanglement and drowning
  • Cuts from knives and machinery
  • Chemical hazards
  • Noise exposure

Use the OH&S Risk Mapping Tool for injury prevention to identify and mitigate these risks.

In their own words

Captains across Nova Scotia share their safety stories. 

View more videos