Health Care

Safely providing care for others, whether it’s in hospitals, nursing homes or home care settings, is challenging even under normal conditions. The added risk of COVID-19 transmission, while mitigated by strong prevention strategies, has fundamentally changed the way workers in care professions do their jobs. Learn more.

Manufacturing plays a key role in Nova Scotia’s economy. The sector is an important engine for job creation, and is often on the leading edge of efforts to increase innovation, productivity and efficiency in our province. Learn more.

Employers and workers in construction are used to following safe work practices at their worksites to reduce risks. Preventing the spread of COVID-19 on those sites is presenting additional challenges, especially when it comes to completing tasks that have typically been carried out in close proximity with other workers. Learn more.

Across Nova Scotia, employers and workers in the retail sector are going above and beyond to make sure the things we all need during the pandemic are available when we need them. The sector has worked diligently and according to public health guidelines, to make sure shopping for necessities remains safe, both for workers and customers. Learn more.

Nova Scotia’s trucking industry helps facilitate the interprovincial and international trade that is so important to our province’s economy. As an essential service sector, trucking businesses are delivering the groceries, medical supplies and so much more that Nova Scotians and so many others around the world need most. Learn more.
Food Services
Restaurants and other food service businesses in Nova Scotia have been adapting and doing business differently while keeping customers and workers safe.
Learn more.